9672978401        scpkheda@gmail.com
  • Last Update: 15-09-2024
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Sorabh College of Pharmacy

Kheda, Hindaun City, Distt. Karauli, Rajasthan

WELCOME TO Sorabh College of Pharmacy

In Sorabh College of Pharmacy we build future. Sorabh College of Pharmacy is best Pvt. College and providing best technical and practical education according to job oriented process. The college nurtures and supports a unique system of education, combining the tenets of academic excellence and corporate professionalism. Constant learning being one of its primary concerns, this College has developed an academic model which would help students face challenges of a fast evolving career. Our highly dedicated and enthusiastic academic faculty provides the right atmosphere to ensure that students receive individual help and attention. We have a broad curriculum which helps students find a course that best suits their career aims. The College upholds a high level of both academic and moral discipline. We also encourage student participation in extracurricular activities.



Message from Management Desk

Welcome to our website, distinguished Heads, faculty members, my colleagues and my young student friends. It is a moments of great pleasure to me that I heartily welcome to all of you to our College of Education. The college present is running Pharmacy programmes and has planned to grew up with further development programme under the impact of a rapidly changing environment, an Education College has to remain sensitive to necessities of the immediate surroundings and provide an answer to the day to day puzzles of life by developing appropriate technologies and a good skill sets.
